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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Denis Gabriel

"What is next?" was right! Who knew what God would ask our family to do after adopting Isabelle from China? It all began again shortly after we returned from China. Our good friends, the Blairs, informed us of four boys from Russia who were on a three week host program to America. There were 25 your children who had this opportunity to come to America. Sadly four of these children where not adopted by their host families. Mrs. Blair Informed us that they were going to be adopting two of the boy, a brother set, but would we please pray for the other two, there names were Ruslan and Denis. Of course we were more than willing to pray, AND, we even said we would look for a family for him. Wasn't that nice of us! We never knew then that God had us picked to be that family!!!
Six months went by and still no takers, when one night my dad turned to my mom and said, "It's us. We are supposed to adopt Denis." My mom knew that he was right and so she said so, but that did not take away the feelings of inadequacy. Denis was a 10 year old boy that we knew nothing about, but after a lot of investigation and prayer, we decided to start the paperwork.

Again, the rest is history...

Denis has now been with us four years and he is as much a part of the family as anybody. I will never be able to express how wonderful it is to have another brother. I am so happy Denis is with us and that God allowed our family to be his!