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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mesert Joy

Ahhh, here we are again!!! Four years have passed since the completion of Denis' adoption journey and I find myself at the foot of yet another blessed event! My family is adopting from Ethiopia!!!! For starters, this is a God thing. When we started this adoption we, as a family, decided on a baby boy. We are shorthanded on boys, so we thought we needed a few more. Well, God had other plans for us. Instead of referring us a baby boy we were referred a 9year old girl (Beautiful E.) and an 11month old baby girl (Meseret).

As I type my parents are packing their bags to go and pick these girls up. Well, the baby at least. Sadly our beautiful 9year old has not passed court yet, so be are praying that God will work a miracle while my parents are in Ethiopia and let her pass court while they are there!

Please be praying with us as my parents travel to Ethiopia to, God willing, pick up our newest blessings!!!


small world said...

You are such a huge part of what makes this entire thing work. You are so willing and open to be a part of God's plan of adoption and these girls will truly be blessed to have you as their sister(or "Mom" as Abigail says)!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What a blog transformation!! You sure did have a lot to say all in one evening! LOL
I love it! I'll have to go back later to read and watch everything.
I didn't see a picture of "THE HAM" though....very, very sad! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh she is sooo pretty!!! I told Angelina I would leave a comment on your blog so I will! I miss Oregon and you guys! I can't wait till I get to meet little Mesert the next time I come up! Hope things aren't too crazy while your parents are gone!